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Kait O'Callahan

Run Today. Win Tomorrow.

By Kait O'Callahan 09/26/2012

If your reluctant to run for exercise because you think its too physically demanding or you’re not certain where or how to begIn, you’re not alone. truth be told, addIng run- nIng to your exercIse program, how- ever, mustn’t be complex. In fact, almost anyone can do It, and runnIng can offer great health benefIts – especIally for tennIs players.

By Kait O'Callahan 02/20/2013

Food is fuel. The more energy one expends during an activity, the more fuel a person requires. In essence, sitting at a desk writing reports requires much less fuel [or food] than someone on the go running errands or breaking a sweat with an elevated heart rate for the same duration.

Young Guns // Ones to Watch in 2013

By Kait O'Callahan 12/31/2012

During the early rounds of a tournament, deciding which tennis match to watch can be like choosing a meal at your favorite restaurant. The tendency is to watch the same players compete just as you would choose your favorite food.

By Kait O'Callahan 12/31/2012

Tennis “WAGS” (Women and Girlfriends) Quiz

Melbourne - Secrets from a local

By Kait O'Callahan 10/17/2012

Melbourne is well known for its animals, sports, dining, shopping, wine and culture. However, Melbournians like to keep their local haunts a bit private, which is why visitors won’t read about many of them in any old tourist guide. The following is a selection of the very best things to experience in Melbourne, tourist-trap free.

Are Court Surfaces Slowing Down the Game?

By Kait O'Callahan 10/09/2012

It is often said that tennis is a game of inches, and in professional tennis, a slight change of court speed can be the difference between an outright winner and a ball that is pummelled back

 Idolizing Your Opponent can Hurt Your Game

By Kait O'Callahan 10/09/2012

JUAN MARTIN DEL POTRO was overwhelmed when he faced Roger Federer for the first time at the Grand Slam level at the 2009 Australian Open. Coming up against a player he openly admired, del Potro was unable to play at his normal level.

Keep Blisters at Bay

By Kait O'Callahan 09/25/2012

Hands and feet can play victim to painful blisters, especially for athletes who endure friction from shoes and racquets.

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